Monthly Archives: November 2022

Work and Health Question Time – Will changes to the Fit Note change our practice?

We held our first Question Time panel session on 2 November 2022.  The panelists were:

Kathy Roberts, ACPOHE

Sarah Holt, RCOT

David Long, Department for Work and Pensions

The session was Chaired by CWH Board Director, Nic Suckley, with support from Mandy Murphy.

David Long introduced the subject by giving an overview of the changes introduced, the reasons for them and the governments vision for their future purpose. After their introductions the panel responded to the following questions

  1. To date, what is your experience since the changes to the fit note have been introduced?
  2. What have your individual organisations done to promote and support the changes in the fit note?
  3. How do you think those working in OH will be impacted by the changes in the fit note?
  4. What is the future direction for the use of the fit note?

Below is the YouTube recording of the event:

Additional links that may be helpful are:

Fit note – GOV.UK (

The Fit Note – elearning for healthcare (

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