Monthly Archives: September 2023

Statement: Occupational Health Qualifications and Titles (FOHN / NSOH)

The Faculty of Occupational Health Nursing and the National School of Occupational Health have launched a statement on Occupational Health Qualification and Titles so as to clarify the various education pathways and qualifications for occupational nurses, as well as the commonly used titles and their significance.

View the statement on our website

If you have any feedback then please contact either Christina Butterworth or Janet O’Neill

27 September 2023

“Understanding Recent Trends in Ill-Health Driven Fallout from the UK Job Market” 25 September 2023

The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) today released the first in-depth study into the impact of ill-health on the UK’s working population, “Understanding Recent Trends in Ill-Health Driven Fallout from the UK Job Market”.

Launched following Occupational Health Awareness Week (18-24th September), the report analyses data trends – providing a comprehensive picture of the current health challenges experienced by the UK workforce.

 Key findings include:

  • Long-term sickness in women across all age groups has been rising since 2014, with women becoming economically inactive at a higher rate than men.
  • An increase in economic inactivity in young men, aged 16 to 24, with sharp increases in mental health issues.
  • Occupations with a low ability to work from home are more likely to see people leave the workforce due to long-term sickness.
  • Pressures in health and social care delivery, including the impact of COVID-19, has led to backlogs for treatment and worsening health outcomes.
  • The UK has an ageing population, high rates of excess weight, and alcohol consumption and a legacy of smoking, resulting in long-term physical and mental health problems.

Of the 41.6 million people in the UK of working age (age 16-64), 2.5 million (1 in 16 people) are inactive due to long term sickness. The historically high number of people off work, long-term sick, remains an immediate and pressing concern for the Government. More than 11 million people are living with long term conditions that can affect their ability to work.

Of the 4 million people living with mental health conditions only 2 million are employed. Nearly 60 percent of people who are economically inactive and left work in the last two to three years have a work limiting health condition.

The analysis demonstrates how occupation, gender, and disability affects getting back to work. Occupational health (OH) provision is a key solution to this issue. SOM is calling for comprehensive OH coverage, with only 50 percent of workers currently accessing OH.

Government steps have been taken, including in the Spring Budget, to support OH so those with health conditions can continue work, but more must be done to keep people healthy at work and reverse these trends. New Government consultations on OH and Tax incentives on occupational health (OH) are welcomed and are currently open.

SOM hopes that publishing this data will support policy conversations to achieve universal OH coverage.

SOM CEO Nick Pahl said: “The historically high number of people off work long-term sick remains an immediate and pressing concern for the Government. Without investment in occupational health, these figures will continue to get worse.

“This report helps us better understand the patterns and causes of ill-health driven fallout from the UK job market. It’s vital that we understand why the UK is seeing a rise in inactivity rates compared to other OECD countries.

“We need to understand what the catalysts are, the drivers of fallout, and what factors contribute to preventing people return to work.”



Notes to Editors


For more information, contact:


Alan Grant (Account Manager, Orbit Communications) – / 0783 320 9171


Rachel Goddard (Account Director, Orbit Communications) – / 0770 216 9485


About SOM

The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) is the organisation for healthcare professionals working in or with an interest in occupational health. It is concerned with:

  • the protection of the health of people in the workplace
  • the prevention of occupational injuries and disease
  • related environmental issues.

SOM stimulates research and works with the government, the healthcare community, health charities and other bodies to promote a healthier workforce. It also acts as the voice of occupational health (OH), responding to consultative documents and media enquiries. A national leader in providing continued professional development and education for all healthcare professionals working in OH, it is a forum for the exchange of ideas, best practice, and networking opportunities.


Visit for more information.


SOM: Occupational Health Awareness Week: 18-24 September 2023

SOM:  Occupational Health Awareness Week – Monday 18  – Friday 24 September 2023
The focus of the week is to provide resources for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), who are five times less likely to use occupational health (OH) than large businesses – to better inform SMEs of the role and value of OH.
SOM has produced a 15-minute and 2-minute film that introduces OH to SMEs at, while COHPA is publishing a new Guide to OH for SMEs.
Please put this on your website and do share!
These free resources are available for all to use, distribute and share, to promote on social media or to your clients. For information and free resources (such as posters) for council for work and health members, visit here and here

ACPOHE’s DisAbility series of webinars: The disabled young person’s journey into the workspace & further education: 12:00 – 13:00 on 21/09/23

ACPOHE’s DisAbility series of webinars: The disabled young person’s journey into the workspace & further education: 12:00 – 13:00 on 21/09/23
Join us for the second webinar in the ACPOHE/DisAbility collaboration which focuses on the disabled young person. The webinar has been co-written with the Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists (APCP) who will also be hosting.

The Disabled young person’s journey into the workspace and further education will look at:
  •     Moving from a nurturing environment into work/ higher education
  •     Issues faced: career choices, other options apart from traditional routes
  •     Empowering the young person and parents: if you can see it, you can be it
  •     Toolkits: exploring and establishing strengths, challenges and support
  •     The art of resilience & managing barriers
  •     Outside of family and school, who can help?
  •     Ideas of how to influence employer and employees
  •     Case study